HomePrivacy Policy

Privacy Policy

CGL Privacy Policy

We at cglinv.com know that you are concerned about how information regarding you or your business activities that we receive as a result of your use of our Site is used and protected. This Privacy Policy describes our policy and practices on the issue of privacy, and by visiting cglinv.com you are accepting the same.

Information You Give Us

It is our policy to respect the privacy of all the Site's users. You may be requested to supply specific information from time to time to cglinv.com, including but not limited to your interests, preferences and prior activities with us, so that we may know more about you and provide you with the services we offer at our Site. When we obtain specific information from or about you, we will keep it in a secure and private manner. Your information will be stored in our computer servers and we will not sell or trade your information without your consent. CGL will abide by the terms of this Privacy Policy and take all reasonable steps to protect the security of your information.

Use Of Information By cglinv.com

By using cglinv.com you expressly consent to our use of your specific information for the purpose of: (a) operating the services and facilities provided to you through our Site, for example, in sale and purchase transactions where we must provide certain details to participants; (b) identifying you in connection with any posting or email message you send through us; (c) responding to any enquiry from you or given on your behalf; (d) assessing and improving our performance; (e) marketing and customizing the marketing materials and the content on the web pages of cglinv.com; (f) enforcing or applying the terms of any agreement to the extent we are legally compelled to do so; (g) determining the amount of any debt owed by you and collecting any outstanding amount from you; (h) protecting the rights, security and property of cglinv.com; (i) observing any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong") or any other countries, including but not limited to any disclosure requirements to which cglinv.com is subject; and (j) any other purposes relating to the above.

Disclosure To Third Parties

We will keep confidential your specific information and will not make your specific information available to third parties except to the following parties, whether or not they are in Hong Kong, for the purposes set out in the immediate preceding paragraphs: (a) any companies which are the ultimate holding companies of CGL and/or any subsidiaries or affiliates thereof, including any offices or branches of any of the aforesaid or any entities (whether or not corporate) owned wholly or partly by any of the aforesaid and the staff or directors of all such parties; (b) any actual or proposed assignee of CGL or participant or sub-participant or transferee of the rights of CGL; (c) any agent, contractor, professional adviser or third party service provider who provides financial, administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, debt collection, professional or other services to CGL; (d) statutory, governmental or regulatory bodies or institutions as required by law or regulations applicable to CGL; and/or (e) any other entity under a duty of confidentiality to CGL which has undertaken to keep such information confidential.

Market Information

At no point will we identify to any third party by name the participants in any transaction except for the participants' directory, and even in that case you may ask not to be mentioned. However, cglinv.com may, to the extent permitted by applicable law, post an average of completed transactions, based on aggregated data such as grade, price, quantity and warehouse of delivery. Cglinv.com may also disclose, for a fee, aggregate information (i) about transactions conducted through our Site in order to compile general market information and statistics, and (ii) about visitors to our Site and participants in transactions we conduct. Disclosures of aggregated information will not identify individual parties and will take place only to the extent permissible by applicable law.

Links To Other Sites

Our Site contains links to many other sites. Once you access a linked site, you shall be subject to the privacy policy of that site. If through our Site you disclose information to other parties, such as to other participants, we have no responsibility for or control over the subsequent use or disclosure of that information.


We protect the security of your specific information during transmission by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol shields and encrypting the information you input. For the sake of security, only a selected group of our employees shall have access to your specific information.

Users' Options

Our Site gives users the option to remove their information from our database, to avoid receiving future communications, to discontinue specific uses of your information or all of our services, to change information previously provided or to decline direct advertising materials by the following methods:

(a) sending an e-mail to info@cglinv.com; and/or


Changes of the Policy

In order to ensure that we continue to serve the privacy interests of the users, we may update and amend this Privacy Policy regularly. You should therefore review this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes we may have made.

Further Enquiry

If you have any enquiry about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@cglinv.com.

Online Message
